Cloud Developer

Cloud Developer

Finland | €4,500 - €7,000 |

Published: 01.03.24 Ref:

Asiakkaani etsii tiimiinsä lisäystä pilvi-puolen rautaisista ammattilaisista. Mikäli vaihteleva työnkuva pienessä suomalaisessa konsulttitalossa kiinnostaa, jatka lukemista!

Kyseinen yritys on perustettu vuonna 2016, ja he työllistävät tällä hetkellä yhteensä noin 20 ohjelmistokehittäjää. Heidän toimipisteensä sijaitsee Helsingin ydinkeskustassa, mutta voit halutessasi työskennellä myös täysin etänä.

Miksi sinun kannattaisi valita juuri heidät?

  • Rento ja avoin yrityskulttuuri ilman turhaa pönötystä
  • He ovat kirjava joukko erilaisia ihmisiä - heille saat tulla juuri sellaisena kuin olet!
  • Matala organisaatiorakenne, jonka ansiosta jokainen konsultti on yhdenvertainen
  • Voit käyttää 15% työajastasi osaamisesi kehittämiseen
  • Työsi olisi aidosti merkityksellisiä: he ovat erikoistuneet sote-alan digiratkaisuihin, mutta projekteja löytyy myös muilta alueilta
  • He oikeasti arvostavat vapaa-aikaasi, ja saat itse päättää mistä ja milloin teet työsi
  • Kiinteän kuukausipalkan ansiosta sinun ei tarvitse huolehtia mahdollisista projektien välisistä tauoista

Tällä hetkellä heillä on haussa kokeneita pilvikehittäjiä. Teknologiataustallasi ei oikeastaan ole väliä, kunhan sinulla on vahva koodaustausta sekä kokemusta ainakin yhdestä julkipilvestä (AWS / Azure / GCP). Toivomme minimissään viiden vuoden työkokemusta.

Tehtävän palkkaus tulee pohjautumaan osaamiseesi, mutta haitari lähtee liikkeelle noin 4500€ tuntumasta. Kovilla tekijöillä vain taivas on rajana, mutta useimmiten katto liikkuu noin 7000€ suunnalla. Tarjolla on myös etupaketti, johon kuuluu mm. hammashoidon ja terapiat kattava työterveys.

Mikäli haluaisit kuulla lisää kyseisestä firmasta, voit laittaa hakemuksesi tulemaan tai olla yhteyksissä suoraan rekrytointia hoitavaan konsulttiin (


We can help you prepare interviews and offer some great tips to help candidates get the best possible start.


Before we assess a candidate and put them forward, we’ll do a phone interview to get a better understanding of the type you’re looking for, your goals and plans.


We know exacly what employers are looking, especially our clients, because they told us. We can help you prepare for the interview and shape up for meeting their team.


Personal branding is a term you may or may not be familiar with. In our connected world, it pays to be fully prepared for what happens when employees search your name.

Our clients


A friend looking after me, that’s how I felt. His friendly character made the whole process way easier and enjoyable, he also managed to get me one of the most interesting work opportunities. I’m really glad our paths have crossed.

Software Engineer - Edinburgh

He goes out of his way to ensure you are prepared for your interview and I particularly appreciated his professional no nonsense approach to working with me to find a new position.

Infrastructure Architect – Glasgow

I have had dealings with the majority of recruitment agencies in this country and beyond. He really stands out from the crowd and the IT industry would benefit from more people like him.

Software Developer – Glasgow

Absolutely fantastic throughout my interview process, and I cannot recommend him highly enough! First of all, he is an absolutely brilliant communicator and extremely reliable. On top of all of his brilliant recruitment skills, it was amazing to see how genuinely excited he was for me when I received my offer. This truly conveyed to me how much he cares about his clients.

Software Engineer – Edinburgh

Compared to other recruiters I have worked with she seemed genuinely interested in helping me with my job search rather than just fulfilling quotas.

Software Developer – Lincoln

She was friendly, communicative and informative, talked me through the process and gave me good advice at every stage.

Software Engineer – Manchester

I’ve never written a recommendation for a recruiter before, so it must show how impressed I am!

Software Developer – Northampton

She even was able to help get a firmer offer as I was offered two roles on the same day. I felt she went over and above to get the best offer she could for me without selling myself short.

QA Engineer – Glasgow

He stood out in a world of poorly informed, unreliable and frankly annoying recruiters as a breath of fresh air.

Data Scientist – Manchester

Never have a I met a recruiter like him, who embeds himself in the community so thoroughly in a way that could only be genuine. From our conversations, he has shown an understanding of the industry I would expect from a local CTO.

MI Analyst – Bolton

Equal parts friendly and professional, never once coming across as simply going through the motions and made the whole thing as painless as possible for all parties

Software Developer – Glasgow

He is the most honest, thorough and experienced recruitment consultant I have ever dealt with. If he can’t help you, he’ll tell you rather than spinning a yarn and putting you forward for jobs that aren’t suitable.

Technical Author – Edinburgh

THE BEST test recruiter I’ve had the pleasure of working with, from start to finish. She provided me with training resources and is an organiser and participant in testing events. She really has taken the time to fully understand the testing principles.

Test Analyst – Aberdeen

It was a breath of fresh air – She is professional and approachable and will be there to help you every step of the way. Other recruiters give you the hard sell and the ‘best friend routine’ to get you on board and then just leave you guessing, but not here… She’s the real deal

Solutions Architect – Glasgow

I can say with total sincerity I’ve never dealt with a more professional, knowledgeable and personable recruitment firm in fifteen years of contracting. They helped my wife and I relocate to Edinburgh with our five month old son and it’s in no small part to their tips and recommendations that we’ve settled in so quickly.

Transformation Consultant – Leeds