LLMs are no replacement for human intuition and experience

Your Opinion
Published: 17.03.25

There are a million posts on how AI is changing the world, so apologies for adding to them, but I think this probably captures my feelings on the matter.




I think the vast majority of the noise around AI is overblown marketing, but one area where it is unarguably and currently disrupting the way the world works is in software engineering.

But it’s not “going to take all the jobs”… it’s just going to change the way the job is performed. Many (all?) professions are going to be radically changed by how quickly and effectively AI is implemented, and programming is no different. The tools that will affect that change are maybe more prevalent or immediately applicable in software than in other elite trades – but they are just that – tools. Tools make jobs easier, but they require humans to wield them.

Sam Wason Selfie

Co-founder and Joint MD

Sam Wason


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