Senior Software Tester
Aberdeen | £45,000 - £55,000 | Permanent
A market leading SaaS company in Aberdeen, is looking for a Senior Software Tester to join their team. They are undergoing an exciting transformation as they move from desktop to web, their new application is due for launch in the new year and with the growth planned in the technology team, this is an amazing…
Skills | Senior Software Tester | Test Automation Engineer | Automation Engineer | QA Engineer | QA Automation Engineer | Senior Software Tester | Senior Test Engineer | Cypress | Playwright.
Data Scientist
Oldham, Greater Manchester | £60,000 - £70,000 | Permanent
I'm working with a leading company that are looking for a Data Scientist to join the team as they go through a growth period. Based in Oldham, this global technology company has been operating for over 30 years and is utilising the latest AI technologies. The company's solutions provide robust, secure verification options, including facial…
Skills | Data Scientist | Python | TensorFlow | PyTorch | Deep Learning | Machine Learning | Computer Vision.
Data Engineer
Helsinki | €4,500 - €7,000 |
Pieni suomalainen konsulttitalo etsii kokeneita datainsinöörejä liittymään noin 20 hengen joukkoonsa. Tämä yritys keskittyy merkityksellisiin projekteihin, erikoistuen erityisesti sotealan ratkaisuihin. Projektit ovat usein pitkäaikaisia ja antavat sinulle joustavuutta lokaatiosi suhteen; monet projektit hoituvat etänä tai joustavalla hybridimallilla. Sinulta kaivataan kokemusta Pythonista, SQL:sta ja ETL/ELT-prosesseista. Kysyntää löytyy myös pilvipalveluosaamiselle, erityisesti Azure- ja AWS-ympäristöissä, ja työkaluille kuten Snowflake, Databricks, Data Factory, ja Fabric. Aiempi konsultointikokemus tai…
Skills | Data Engineer, Python, SQL, Azure, AWS, Databricks, Data Factory, Fabric, Snowflake, Power BI, ETL.
Azure Data Engineer
Helsinki | €5,000 - €7,000 |
Asiakkaani etsii Azure Data Engineeriä, jolla on vahvaa käytännön kokemusta data-insinöörin tehtävistä. Tulisit osaksi pientä mutta dynaamista data-asiantuntijoiden tiimiä, joka työskentelee integraatioiden, testiautomaation ja tiedonhallinnan parissa monilla toimialoilla. Pääset mukaan haastaviin hommiin Azure-platformin pariin ja osaksi loistotiimiä, joka tarjoaa kattavia uramahdollisuuksia datan parissa. Sinulla olisi hyvä olla: Kokemusta data-insinöörinä työskentelemisestä Vahva osaaminen Azure-ympäristössä, kokemus muista pilvipalveluista…
Skills | Data Engineer, Azure, Databricks, Data Factory, Python, SQL.
Graphics Test Engineer
Tampere | €5,000 - €7,000 |
My client is looking for an experienced Graphics Test Engineer to join their project in the telecom industry. In this project, you'd work for a well-known international company with a R&D office in Tampere. Their products include e.g. ICT networks, various mobile devices and cloud solutions. You could join the project either as a freelancer,…
Skills | Test Automation, C++, Python, Graphics.
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